Thursday, June 5, 2014

Animals ate my car

Have you ever had a zebra chew your car? Food ripped out of your hand by a wildebeast?
Well, we have. It's called Lazy 5 Ranch
We took my little one there for her birthday.
I think my sis and I had more fun than the kids who were screaming from the back seats as camels, ostriches, and wild beasts all shoved their heads in our car windows.

Seriously, I'm not sure of the liability of a place like this but I am pretty certain that my vehicle was licked, drooled, chewed, and brushed upon by wild creatures from Africa. And it was amazing.
I pet the horns of animals the size of my car. I wanted to stand on the giraffe.
I pet the zebra and fed him after seeing signs that told us not to.
I wanted to ride the rhino around his entrapment.
I wanted to kidnap every little wild baby pig there.
My sister was robbed of our $3 bucket of food by what she called a cow but was certainly a bull with horns as big as her.
What a day filled with laughter.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

growing up

Making funny faces is pretty much what we do best.

Doesn't it feel good to make a funny face. Go ahead, try it.
See, feels good, right?
It's been an obsession of ours since we were little. It's something we are brilliant at.
Ever been down and feeling like the whole world sucks? Yea, us too. That feeling blows.
Let me give you a little background on us..
Our parents went through a divorce when we were 1 and 2 years old. Hey, some things just aren't meant to be. We could never see them together anyway and we never really knew the difference...
I digress.
They each remarried when we were like 3 and 4. Our step parents were pretty awesome. Our stepmom loved us like we were hers. Unfortunately, she passed away from a kidney disease on Mother's Day when we were 9 and 10. Life would never be the same after that. Our stepdad had an affair on our mom when were in our teenage years. Our biological parents met new people. Relationships were uncertain and unstable.
Family life became complicated and confusing to say the least.
There were so many changes. So many people coming in and out of our lives.
But the constant thing we did have... was each other.
Thank God for that.
I had someone by my side to fight battles with me, ride out the storms, face new situations, and love me unconditionally.
Sure, our childhood was a mixture of craziness and change.
It was filled with things most families never experience. It was filled with decisions children shouldn't have to make. It was filled with heavy doses of sadness and uncertain beginnings.
Our childhood certainly does not define who we are.
In fact, it makes us Stronger. Courageous. Braver.
It gave us an appreciation for calmness. It taught us that rainbows are at the end of storms.
Most importantly, it taught us love.
Cherish and love those around you. Hold tight to the relationships that mean the most to you.
And always, smile.
Life should be simple.
And if it isn't, find peace within yourself that every little thing, is gonna be alright.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


What's funner than spewing soda out of your mouth from laughing so hard?
I mean seriously.
These are the woes of living far apart.
Heather lives in South Carolina now... making our time together very limited but extremely valued. Every moment we can be together is time well spent.
She gets me.

We may be complete opposites but it certainly has grown us closer over the last 30 years. Dear god, 30 years sounds insane. I think living apart sucks. Completely sucks. I've wished and dreamed we were neighbors since I moved to Greensboro. We only live about 2 hours apart, so we still see each other regularly - but how cool it would be to have dinner and gym time together whenever the mood strikes. What I do love about our relationship is that no matter how far apart we live...
We will always have each other.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder..
Sisterhood is many things. It is a warm smile on a cold and rainy day, a friendly hug, a cheerful hello...It's all that a good and lasting friendship is, only better. It's treasured. It's sacred. It's knowing there will always be someone there for you. It's dreams shared, and goals achieved. It's counting on each other and being counted on. It is real. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

what language do we speak?

Honestly, I ask myself this everytime we are together.
It's like we become foreign species and only we can understand each other.
It's just absurd and ridiculous.. But it's how we roll.

Do you do this with friends or family? Please tell us we aren't the only ones.

Words become shortened, new phrases are born, nicknames are continuously adjusted, songs become catch phrases, and everything becomes laughable.

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people" ~Victor Borge

Friday, January 27, 2012

pinterest obsession

Do you love all things girly?
Girl, us too!!
Seriously! When we first heard of Pinterest, we thought what everyone first thought...omg, I should have invented this!

Isn't it sickening how many hours a day you could spend on there browsing? Don't you find it intriguing the things that people come up with? Don't you wish you could make everything on your "DIY" board!?

Us too. We love it. And H does hair so we thought how fitting to post our very first "Interest Pinterest"!!

We fell in love with it the moment we saw it. And what an adorable way to spruce up any drab hairstyle!

Well, why don't you just... Follow us:

And we'll probably stalk your boards..I mean hey, we're just sayin'

Friday, January 13, 2012

slumber partaaay!!

Sooooo, you know when you get old, like say, 27ish and becomes difficult to throw random "adult sleepovers" without your husbands being like "umm, what, are we 12?"

Sleepovers are acceptable. At any age.

So, what do you do at a sleepover? Well we're having one. RIGHT NOW!! AHHHH!!!

Ok so,
Step 1: you pack your closet, fridge, and bathroom
Step 2: you call your closest gal pal (and/or sister) to confirm the arrangements
Step 3: you head out, presumably
Step 4: ARRIVE at said destination
Step 5: you put in movies, have your gal pal color your hair, discuss latest fashions
Step 6: you eat popcorn AND bake cookies (both are necessities)
Step 7: you try out each other's makeup and latest zit smashing creams
Step 8: you put on your pjs, and discuss where you got them
Step 9: you sip bottled waters mixed with crystal lights (because alcohol is so overrated)
Step 10: you're probably going to start crashing by now, what, with all the zit cream, crystal light, and're bound to be tired, and honey, face it, we ain't 12. A girl our age, needs her beauty sleep.
Step 11: make sure the coffee pot is set before early morning dusk because the kids wake up early and will be expecting bacon and boiled eggs.

Happy Friday the 13th!
And don't worry we're slumbering at H's crib, not in some "cabin by the lake" (chi chi chi, ah ah ah) this...

Boob Tube Babble

Linking up over here to chat about what we watched this week...

Oh my god, so here it is....
WE WATCHED....drum roll,brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........ PRETTY WOMAN!
Seriously, we're boring right?
No, in fact, we are not.

We just love old classic movies, bahaha, and Pretty Woman is truly a classic. And by old and classic we mean 90's movies.

If we had more time, we'd watch....
1. the latest Fresh Beat Band (a little too toddler-y?, so what.)
2. Big Bang Theory
3. 2 Broke Girls
4. Two and a Half Men
5. Overhauling
6. Lizard Lick

And well, that's all we can think of.

What are you watching because obvi we need to be in the know so we can watch something cool.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

...It's Ok Thursday Link Up...

Its Ok Thursdays

Linking up with Amber  (a blog friend of C's at her family blog Mackeys Moments)

It's Ok to be really obsessed with texting. Consider it a way of life actually.
And side note - if you teach your parents to text, expect them to learn the lingo, and by lingo we mean things like LOL, BFF, and OMG. Because no one should be texting "Laughing Out Loud", that's just silly.

It's Ok to wake up with bed head and bad breath. If you're married like us, it is still Ok. Just brush your shit and move on.

It's Ok to wish call out of work because you feel lazy...we consider it "a mental health day"

It's Ok to want to cuss out Walmart employees - excuse our rudeness, but SOME people just can never be happy. I mean, sorry you're upset with your job Mr. Walmart customer service man but you chose it and if you don't want to work, atleast humor me and act like you like your job.   Side not: by Walmart we mean basically anywhere you shop that has rude service clerks (whatever their job title is). And by cuss them out, we mean basically beat them and make them take a happy pill

We look forward to bringing you more of its ok Thursday's!


things we're really obsessed with...

Dirty Dancing ~ seriously there is no other movie that compares.

~ everyones latest addiction.

chips and salsa ~ any time. anywhere.

 boots ~ I don't think we could live without them.

 we shop clearance...and we're proud

 target ~ duh. who doesn't.

 a toaster of life's necessities

 bedroom slippers ~ all day long...

 a good bra ~ can make you look like a million bucks

 lipgloss ~ a girl's true bff

 sweet tea ~ real southern pride

Charming Charlie ~ the most amazing store ever invented, the color coded shelving is enough to make us grin from ear to ear.

 cell phones ~ if we're ever lost on an island..we'll take one of these

sunshine ~ life's medicine

 beaches ~ any day of the year

 icecream ~ needs to be a food group

17.  17.
 skittles ~ we'll probably eat them pureed when we're old

and my sister.

 leopard print ~ everything. We mean, that would be creepy but cool.

 nail polish ~ it completes any look